
PEASLEE Family of East Greenwich are direct descendants of Joseph
[Note: I previously reported that Joseph-1 Peasly was the son
of William & Anne (Calvert) Peaslee. That information is incorrect.
My thanks to Jim White who pointed out that William and Anne (Calvert)
Peaslee married 29 May 1627 at St. Martins, Middlesex England.
They never had a son Joseph. Two of their sons, Francis and John,
did indeed immigrate to America, however they landed and lived
in Maryland. This Peaslee family were Catholics, not Quakers.]
JOSEPH PEASLY/PEASLEE -1, was born 1600-1605 in England,
and died 3-Dec-1660 in Salisbury, MA. He married (1) abt 1625
in England to -- PEASLEY/ PEASLEE. She was born Abt. 1600 in England,
and died before 1635 in England. He married (2) prob before 1635
in Wales to MARY JOHNSON, daughter of JOHN JOHNSON and HANNAH
THROCKMORTEN. She was alive in 1664 when "Widow Peaslee,
Exacitor to Joseph Piesly, received twenty acres of land in exchange
for six acres of salt marsh formerly granted to her husband."
Joseph came from England before 1638 and first settled in Newbury
MA; in 1639 he is found in Hampton NH with his wife Mary; then
to Salisbury in 1641, and was one of the 32 landowners in Haverhill,
MA in 1645. While he was residing in East Salisbury, he fell out
of favor with the established church and moved out of it's jurisdiction
to west of the Powow river in what is known as Amesbury Mills.
He continued to have problems with the East Salisbury church who
extended their jurisdiction, forcing Joseph and others to move
farther west and making a permanent settlement in Haverhill, in
that part which was in Massachusetts before the state line was
established in 1741, changing some of the locations to current
day New Hampshire.
1642, he was made a Freeman of the community. As a freeholder, he was entitled
to a grant or to purchase land in Newbury. A Freeman in Newbury was entitled to
a 4-acre home lot and at least 50 acres of additional land. The amount of land
a freeman owned depended on how much he had invested into the community and how
much land he could later buy. Sarah was born during their stay in Newbury.
1645, JOSEPH PEASLEY was one of 32 landowners who founded Haverhill, Mass. He
was listed as a Freeman in Haverhill in 1646. Joseph was a prosperous man. He
was a millwright, a farmer, and a cattle rancher. He was chosen to serve Haverhill
as a Selectman in 1649, 1650 and 1653. He was a Quaker and continued to be prohibited
by the Puritans in practicing his belief. Once
there the settlers felt that they should have their own church and not have to
travel to the church in Salisbury. The settlers began to meet at "church"
in their new settlement. Joseph Peaslee and Thomas Macy preached the sermons.
The General Court ruled on 6-Nov- 1646 that : "Any person living within the
limits of the colony of Massachusetts Bay who shall without cause, neglect to
attend public worship shall forfeit for his absence from every said published
meeting, five shillings." Both Peaslee and Macy were warned about their preaching,
but both continued to defy the General Court. The
inhabitants of Salisbury petitioned the General Court seeking to be declared a
separate town and have the right to have their own church. The court ruled against
them on May 26, 1658: "Judged it not meete to grant ye inhabitants of the
new town of Salisbury their petition but doe declare and order for the present,
that they shall attend the worship of God together in the old town and that they
contribute their several proportions for the maintenance and continuance of the
same amongst them."
The residents of Salisbury ignored this order and a warrant was issued ordering
Joseph to appear before the court and answer for his disobedience to authorities.
This warrant read: "That the recorder for the County of Norfolke, fforthwith
issue out his warrants requiring Joseph Peasley & the rest of the inhabitants
of the new toune, being masters of families, or at their own dispose to make theire
personal appearances before the next County Court to be held at Salisbury, to
answer for their disobedience to authoritie in not complying wth said order and
the said County Court is hereby empowered to procede agt all such of them as in
their appearance shall not fully make it cleare they have since said order, performed
their duty and repajred to the public worship of God on the Lords day at the ould
toune, to fine them for every days absence there, five shillings".
refused to stop preaching and in 1659 was fined 5 shillings per week by the court.
The Court ordered him to stop preaching. A compromise was finally reached where
the new residents would hire the preacher from the Salisbury church, Rev. Worcester,
to travel to their church and preach. There were problems with this arrangement
and after protests made, the residents were ordered by the court to attend Rev.
Worcester's meetings. Joseph Peaslee and others decided to ignore this court order.
The court then responded with a stronger order: "The Court, having considered
of & given ansr to the petition of the inhabitants of Salisbury, calling to
minde the affront that Joseph Peasley put upon this Corts judgement & order
in the yeare fifty eight, not only by continewing his preaching amongst the inhabitants
of the new toune of Salisbury notwithstanding this courts injunction to the country
but refusng to come to ansr for his contempt of the courts order & understanding
the County Court only fined him five shillings for his absence weekly, as they
did others & that still he continews preaching there as frequently as before
the courts order & that also as we have been informed against the advice of
the church whereof he is a member, and that his preaching, (being very weak and
unfitt for so great a work) doth rather encrease then lessen the contentions there,
doe order, that the said Joseph Peasley be forthwith by order of this court forbidden
to preach anymore in any part of this jurisdiction till he give full satisfaction
to this Court for what have been past."This dispute was never solved during
Josephs lifetime.
11-Nov-1660 his will was written:
The last Will and Testament of Josef Peasly is that my debts
shall be payedout of my Estate and the remainder estate----my
debts being payed I doo give and bequeath unto Mary my wiff
During her life and I doo my daffter Sara all my hous and lands
that I have at Salisbury and I doo give unto Josef my sonne
all my land that I have upon the plain at Haverhil and doo give
unto Josef my sonne all my medo ling in East medo at Haverhil
and doo give unto Josef my sonne five shares of the common rites
that doo belong to me on the plain. I doo give unto my daffter
Elizabeth my fourty fower acres of upland ling westwards of
Haverhil and doo give unto my dattfer Elizabeth fower acres
and a half of medo ling in the---- at Haverhil and doo allso
give my daffter Elizabeth fower of the common rites that doo
belong to the plain and doo give unto daffter Jean fower shillings
and to my daffter Mary Fower shillings. I doo give unto Sara
Saier my grandchild my upland and medo ling in -----medo.
And I doo give unto my sonne Josef all the remainder of my land
at Haverhil which is not herein disposed of. I doo allso make
Mary my wiff my Soule executrer and doo allso leave Josef my
sonne and the estate I have given him to my wiff to poss on
till Josef my sonne be twenty years of age."
Joseph Peaslee was buried in the Quaker burial ground in Salisbury
(now Newton) New Hampshire.
Children of Joseph & -- (Peasley) Peaslee:
Jane/Jean, b before 1630 in England; m. John Davis 10 December
1646, had issue [these are the direct ancestors of Ruth Elizabeth
"Bette" Davis, the actress]. Their children, recorded
in Haverhill MA were Mary, b. 6 Nov 1647, Sarah b 7 march 1648,
and John b 22 Aug 1654. He is said to have removed to Dover
NH. "Jean" is mentioned in her father's will.
2. Mary, b. abt 1629, mentioned in her father's will; ?m. Joseph
Whittier [History of Weare NH states she married Joseph Whitter.
This is not the same Mary below who married Joseph Whittier,
and possibly is an error].
3. Elizabeth, mentioned in her father's will.
Children of Joseph & Mary (Johnson) Peaslee:
4. Sarah, b. 20 Sep 1642 Newbury MA; m. Thomas Barnard Jr.;
mentioned in her father's will.
5. +Joseph Jr., b. 9 Sep 1646 Haverhill MA [see below];
mentioned in his father's will.
JOSEPH PEASLEY-2, son of Joseph & Mary (Johnson) Peaslee, was born
9 Sep 1646 in Haverhill, Essex County, MA and died 21-Mar-1733/34 in Haverhill,
Essex County, MA. Joseph was raised in the eastern part of Haverhill, near to
Amesbury in the old riverfront settle ment of Rocks Village. He married 1st) 21-Jan-1671/72
in Amesbury, Essex County, MA to Ruth Barnard. Ruth was the daughter of Thomas
& Helene (Morse) Barnard and was born 16-Oct-1651 in Salisbury, MA; she died
5-Nov-1723 in Haverhill, Essex County, MA. Joseph married the widow Mary (Tucker)
Davis a short time later.
Peaslee, called 'Junior', was but twelve years old when his father died. He and
his family lived in the "eastern part of the town near the head of what is
now (1977) East Broadway on the side towards the Merrimack River". The house
he erected prior to 1675 on the County Bridge road This house became known as
the "Peaslee
Garrison" and still stands at 790 East Broadway, Haverhill. It was used
as a sort of armory at one time and was constructed with bricks imported from
England. (An interesting sidenote is that Robert Hastings , the mason who built
the house, had a daughter, Elisabeth, who later married Joseph's son, Joseph.)
The house is 2 stories high and has 3 rooms upstairs and 3 rooms downstairs. A
chimney is located at each end of the house. During King Philip's War the home
was used as a garrison house where soldiers were stationed and people could flee
if need be. In
1692, he was granted "the privilege of erecting a sawmill at the head of
east meadow river upon the stream by or near Brandy Row." The mill was built
in 1693 and the site later became known as Peaslees Mills. A Peaslee
occupied it until 1860. Joseph sold 25% of the mill to Simon Wainwright in 1693/4
for 110 pounds. 'Junior'
was said to have been a physician and was called 'Doctor'. He was known locally
as a physician who had much knowledge of herbs and roots and used
them to aid people medically.The amount of property enumerated in his will would
constitute a well-to-do man, even of today. He also had a second wife, a Mary
Tucker, the widow of Stephen Davis. His
daughter, Mary, became the grandmother of John Greenleaf Whittier, a famous American
poet. [see below] His
son, Joseph (III), married Elizabeth Hastings, daughter of Robert Hastings, who
was one of the founders of Amesbury and Newton, with the Elder Joseph Peaslee.
His daughter, Sarah, married Ebenezer Eastman, one of the first settlers of Concord,
NH, and one of famous personages of the town. For descendants of them, see 'Eastman
Genealogies'; altho, Rix in the 'Eastman Family in America', states that Sarah
was the daughter of Col. Nathaniel Peaslee, but who was actually Sarah's brother.
may be mentioned here that Joseph Peaslee (Junior) was a Quaker of whatever faith
his father was. He acted as the Quaker preacher and held the meetings of the faith
in his home, altho forbidden to do so. In 1699, Joseph Peaslee petitioned the
town for the right to worship, with other Quakers, in the public meeting house.
When this was refused Joseph opened his house for these meetings. In 1701, a fire
caused Joseph Peaslee serious property damage, so much so that the town voted
to "give him his rates on that account." In the town of Newton,
NH, near the Junction, in the heart of the woods, is the old Quaker burial
grounds. Here, are rows of graves, unmarked except by rude, unlettered stones
at the head and foot of each. Here may repose the dust of Joseph and Mary, and
of Joseph (Junior) and Ruth.
of Joseph & Ruth (Barnard) Peaslee include:
1. Mary, b. 1672, m. Joseph Whitter; ancestors of John Greenleaf
Whittier, the poet.
2. Joseph, b. 1674, m. 1699 to Elizabeth Hastings, dau of Robert
Hastings; had two sons, Joshua and Daniel
3. Robert,b 1677, d. 1742; m 1701 to Alice Currier, who was
b. in 1678. Children: Amos, Samuel (who m. Hannah Purington
in 1734), Ruth, Abigail and Alice
4. +John, b. 25 Feb 1678/79; m. Mary Martin
5. Nathaniel,b 1682, d 1775; m1) Judith Kimball who d. in 1641;
m2) 1742 Abiah Swan. One of their daughters, Susannah, m. Christopher
Sargent of Methuen MA in 1729 and one of their sons, Nathaniel
Peaslee Sargent, was chief justice of Massachusetts.
6. Ruth,
b 1684, m 1705 Samuel Clement who d. 1754
7. Ebenezer, b. 1688
8. Sarah, b. 1690; m 1710 Capt Ebenezer Eastman
9. another child reportedly was Lydia
son of Joseph & Ruth (Barnard) Peaslee was born 25 Feb 1678/79 in Haverhill,
Essex County, MA and died 1752 in Haverhill, Essex County, MA. He married 1 MAR
1704/05 in Amesbury, Essex County, MA to Mary Martin, daughter of John & Mary
(Weed) Martin.. Occupation: millwright. John
was a devoted Quaker. The wedding party gathered for his marriage was composed
of Quakers. After their marriage, John and Mary , lived at a house built for them
by John's father. This house was located
in Newton, New Hampshire, and was only a few miles northwest of Peaslees Mills.
The marriage was at the house of Thomas Barnard. There were 47 persons witnessed
the ceremony. Mary,
the daughter of John & Mary (Weed) Martin, and a granddaughter of George &
Susanna North
Martin was born 1678 in Amesbury, Essex County, MA. Mary's grandmother Susanna
was tried and convicted of being a witch during the infamous Salem Witch trials
in 1692, and was executed (hanged). Later, one of Joseph & Ruth (Barnard)
Peaslee's descendants, John
Greenleaf Whittier, the famous Quaker poet, wrote the poem "The
Witch's Daughter" (about Susanna's daughter -- note that Susannah
did not have a daughter named Mabel).
Peaslee moved to Newton, NH in 1713. Owner/Operator of a water
powered mill. these mills were used to cut lumber, grind grain,
and weave cloth
Children of John & Mary (Martin) Peaslee:
1. Joseph, b. 1706, m. 1729 to Martha Hoag, had issue: Nathaniel
(who settled in Weare NH and m. Mary Colby), John, Mary, Ruth,
Hannah, Joseph, Enoch, Martha, Stephen, Benjamin and Micajah.
2. John, b. 1707; m. Lydia --; had issue: Sarah, Timothy, John,
Ruth, Philip, Silas, Mary, Paul, Simeon and Jedediah
3. Mary
4. Sarah?
5. +Jacob, b. 1710; m. Huldah Brown in 1735
6. Nathan, b. 1711; m. Lydia Gove in 1741
7. Ruth?
8. Moses, b. 1714, m. Mary Gove, dau of Jonathan and Mary (Lancaster)
Gove in 1741. Children: Jonathan, Mary, Moses Jr., Ebenezer,
John, Patience, Humphrey, Eliezabeth, Anna and Obadiah
9. Ebenezer, m. Lydia Weed in 1744
10. Other children reportedly included David and James
[some descendants from "History of Weare NH"]
John Greenleaf Whittier was not a descendant of Susanna North Martin, but he would
have been a cousin to her great-grandchildren through his Peaslee line. This John
Peaslee's sister, Mary, married into the Whittier line as follows: - Mary
Peaslee, daughter of Joseph & Ruth (Barnard) Peaslee married Joseph Whittier
(in 1694) - Their son, Joseph Whittier Jr., married Sarah Greenleaf -
Their son, John Whittier married Abigail Hussey - Their son was John Greenleaf
Whittier ------------------------------------------------------------
JACOB PEASLEE-4, son of John and Mary (Martin) Peaslee, was born at Haverhill
MA, 11 May 1710; died Kingston NH, 29 July 1744. He married Amesbury MA, 25 10m
[December] 1735, HULDAH BROWN, daughter of John and Abigail (Johnson) Brown, born
Hampton NH, 3 November 1715; died probably Rockingham County NH, possibly before
19 April 1752 when an Abraham Dow of Hampton NH was granted guardianship of her
son Elijah. In 'Peaslees and Others of Haverhill and Vicinity, a Mr. Beede is
credited to have said that Jacob Peaslee settled in Kingston, NH, and died leaving
one son. Child of Jacob & Huldah (Brown) Peaslee: Elijah
son of Jacob and Huldah (Brown) Peaslee, born Kingston NH, 15 July 1741; died
probably Pittsfield NH, 29 July 1810. He married Kingston NH, probably March 1766
(int. filed Amesbury MA, 20 February 1766), ESTHER GOODALE/GOODELL, daughter of
Bartholomew and Sarah (Osborn) Goddale, born probably Salem MA, 16 January 1747
[/8?]; He settled in Pittsfield NH where he owned 500 acres in an area known as
"Catamount.". He is listed as a farmer in the 1790 census, and was a
selectman of Pittsfield around the same time. Elijah died probably Pittsfield
NH before 13 July 1810, when administration of the estate of Elijah Peaslee was
granted to Esther Peaslee, John Peaslee, Amos Peaslee and John Jenkins. [Note---compare
Elijah's death date to the grant of administration date]. The inventory of the
estate of Elijah Peaslee, late of Pittsfield NH, taken 1 September 1810, was valued
at $3280.73 (about $33,866 in 1999). He is buried in Pittsfield NH, in the area
then known as "Catamount", his grave being marked only with a boulder.
Children of Elijah & Esther (Goodale) Peaslee included: Ruth, Jacob, Amos,
Huldah, Samuel, Abraham, Amos, John and Stephen.
AMOS PEASLEE-6, son of Elijah & Esther (Goodale) Peaslee, was born
16/17-Jul-1780 in Gilmanton,
NH and married Sarah Jenkins Lister in Amesbury, Mass on 4-Feb-1802. He died
29-May-1866 in Kingston, NH. He had five children with Sarah, who was born 31-Oct-1775
or 23-Jul-1776 and died 25-Aug-1828. Amos remarried to Sarah Nicholson Allen in
Salem, NJ on 6-Jan-1830. Some records indicate he came to Mt. Royal, N.J. in 1820.
Other details about this Amos include the statements that he lived in Pittsfield,
NH, and moved to Salem, NJ on 30-Dec-1829. The Salem Co. Historical Society's
index of deeds shows Joseph and Mary Bassett of Salem transferring land "to
Amos Peaslee, of the same place; lot of land in Salem , joining other land of
Amos Peaslee, August 26, 1830." The pamphlet, Salem A Century Ago, shows
an unclaimed letter for Amos Peaslee in the Salem post office in July 1831. In
various records he is listed as a farmer, a Quaker, and sometimes a tanner. He
married his second wife at the Salem, NJ Quaker Meeting House. Their children
were Anna/Anne, Elijah, Esther and Amos Jenkins. Anna/Anne-7
PEASLEE born in Gloucester Co. NJ; married 10 DEC 1829 in in a public meeting
at Upper Greenwich to Isaac B. WARD, son of John & Hannah Ward. [Note: Shirley
Evans, a descendant of John & Hannah Ward provided the following information
on this branch of the family]. From Woodbury Monthy Meeting (Hicksite) p. 8, 1829-12-10
Peaslee, Anna, dt of Amos and Sarah Peaslee of Gloucester Co., NJ: married Isaaac
B. Ward of Newton Twp., Gloucester Co. NJ, son of John and Hannah Ward, dec: in
a publick meeting at Upper Greenwich. Witnesses included: John Ward, Amos
Peaslee, Sarah N. Allen, Lettia Ward, Aron Ward, George Ward, Eliz. Peaslee, Amos
J. Peaslee, Richard P. Ward (this should be a J. for Jordon), Ruth Ward, Mary
Ward, Enoch Allen, John Allen, Beulah W. Allen, William Haines, Samuel Edmondson,
Ann Haines by request, Charles Kaighn, Lydia Stockes by request, Ann Haines, Martha
Rulon, Enoch Evans, Lydia S. Bqcon by request, William Pine, George Craft, Joseph
A ---(illegible), Moses Rulon, Isaac Haines, Susana Rulon by request, Delia Paul,
Mercy Owen by request, Mary B. Craft, Lydia Craft, Hannah P. Haines, Ann Allen,
Mary Allen, Pricilla H. Warrington, Hepperchia Haines by request, Sarah Reeves,
Heppe Haines, Edna Knight, Sarah S. Branson, Caroline Amelia Glover, Griffith
Linchman (?), Mary A. Hinch___(illegible), Josiah Stockes, Jr., David B. Cooper,
William Thorne, Joseph Owen, Nathan Warrington, Isaac Combs, William Haines, Jr.
Children of Isaac B. & Anna/Anne (Peaslee) Ward (may have been more children):
1. Samuel Ward born about 1829-30; died September 8, 1849 in Camden, NJ.
Isaac married 2nd) Nancy Troth on 11-5-1837 at Friends Meeting House. Children
of Isaac B & Nancy (Troth) Ward: 2. Charles Ward, born 1838
3. George Ward born 1843 4. Nancy T. Ward AMOS
son of Amos & Sarah Jenkins Lister Peaslee was born 24-Apr-1813 in Amesbury,
Mass. and died 11-@30-1884 or 1889. He married Hannah
Lippincott, daughter of John & Hannah (Moore) Lippincott in Pilesgrove,
NJ on 2-Mar-1843. Hannah was born 25 Jul 1812 in Pilesgrove Twp., Salem County,
New Jersey and died 19 MAR 1890 in Gloucester Co. NJ. In 1847 AMOS JENKINS-7 PEASLEE
purchased the Justice house on Kings Highway
in Mickleton. The central part of that residence is believed to have been built
c1747 for Nicholas Justison [some state his surname was JUSTICE] on land bought
from Samuel Harrison, Jr. In 1850, according Cushing and Sheppard's History of
Salem, Gloucester and Cumberland Counties, Amos Peaslee had a tannery shop on
Kings Highway in Clarksboro.
Amos J. Peaslee and his family is shown in the 1850, 1860 and 1870 US Census.
[In the 1850 census he is listed as a tanner and currier; in 1860 and 1870 as
a farmer]. In 1876 he had a house built at 356 Kings Highway on land bought from
the estate of Joseph V. Clark. Prior to 1881 he was Commissioner of Appeals for
East Greenwich . In 1883 he was trustee of the Upper Greenwich Friend Meeting.
Amos J. and Hannah had seven children: Anna, Edward/Edwin H., Sarah,
Gideon, Esther, Mary, and Hannah 1860
> New Jersey > GLOUCESTER > GREENWICH Series: M653 Roll: 691 Page: 122
Amos J. Peaslee 47 M Farmer 15,000/10,000 NH Hannah 47 F NJ Anna
16 F NJ Gideon 12 M NJ Esther 9 F NJ Hannah 4 F NJ Elwood Grison?
31 M Clara Craft 20 F domestic PA Anna-8
PEASLEE was born December 1843; She married on 13 Sep 1871 in Clarksboro,
Gloucester County, NJ to Joseph H. Pancoast. Joseph was born June 1840.
Children of Joseph H. & Anna (Peaslee) Pancoast were: Joseph, Anna H.,
Emma L. Esther-8
PEASLEE born Mar 1851. She died 13 Mar 1896. Esther married on 11 MAR 1875
at the residence of the bride's parents, in Clarksboro, NJ to George Sherman Potts,
son of George Sherman & Mary (Burdsall) Potts. George S. & Esther
(Peaslee) POTTS had the following children: Arthur "Morris" LeRoy
POTTS, Esther Lippincott Pidcock POTTS, Mabel POTTS and Amos Peaslee POTTS.
PEASLEE, son of Amos Jenkins & Hannah (Lippincott) Peaslee was born 22
January 1849 in Harrisonville, Lewis Co. NY. He married Emma L. Waddington on
15 March 1875/76. At a meeting held in Clarks Hall (Clarksboro NJ) for the purpose
of forming a fire company, the following officers were elected: C.G. Hughes -
President, Gideon Peaslee - Vice President, Isaac T. Haines - Secretary, A.F.
Hoffman - Treasurer. A motion to meet on April 15, 1903 at Clarks Hall at 8 o'clock
PM was carried. A motion was made that the call be published for two weeks in
a county paper. The company to be named the "East Greenwich Township Fire
Association." (From the minutes of the East Greenwich Fire Company - March
24, 1903). In the 1910 census his occupation is listed as Bank clerk. . Children
include: Ruth Waddington, Mary, Hannah Lippincott., and Amos
married James Gardiner Engle of Mullica Hill on 15 March 1904 . They were treasurers
of the Ladies Auxiliary and the East Greenwich Fire Company, respectively. Their
daughter, EMMA P-10 ENGLE lived on Kings Highway, Clarksboro, and
was one of the authors of the Centennial Booklet describing the history of East
Greenwich Township. The East Greenwich Township
Public Library was housed in her private home on the corner of Kings Highway
and Cohawkin Road until the library moved to its present location. HANNAH
married Edward Lupton Bond. He was a member of the School Board during the 1920's.
In 1981 their son Amos Bond lived on Old Oak Road, Mickleton and was president
of the Township Library Association. Their children were: John Lupton Bond, Gideon
Peaslee Bond, Edward Lupton Bond and Amos Peaslee Bond GIDEON
son of Edward Lupton & Hannah (Peaslee) Bond, photographed the houses for,
and worked with, Elizabeth Scott for her book, Some Old Houses of Mickleton, New
Jersey, and Their Families (1990). Together with Betty, he painstakingly researched
the houses in Mickleton which were at least 100 years old, and the families who
lived in them. AMOS
son of Gideon and Emma (Waddington) Peaslee, (1887-1969) -- also known as Amos
J. Peaslee -- of Clarksboro, Gloucester County, NJ

Amos Jenkins Peaslee II, circa 1907 Born
24 Mar 1887 he married Dorothy Quimby in 1920. He was an international lawyer,
and a 1907 graduate of Swarthmore College (a member of Delta Upsilon Fraternity).
Amos J. Peaslee Debate Society at Swarthmore College was named after him.
He was an American Branch President of The International Law Association in 1928,
Delegate to Republican National Convention from New Jersey in 1948 and 1952; and
U.S. Ambassador to Australia, 1953-56 under President
D. Eisenhower. In 1950 he wrote a book, Constitutions of Nations. The First
Compilation in the English Language of the Texts of the Constitutions of the Various
Nations of the World, Together with Summaries, Annotations, Bibliographies, and
Comparative Tables. Between the years of 1930-1972 he maintained an intermittent
residence in the Amos Peaslee home (built by his grandfather) on Kings Highway.
In 1941, with the help of funds from Floyd Warrington's First-Day School Class
and Amos and Dorothy Peaslee, The Little Red Schoolhouse
was restored so that it could be used as a recreation center for the neighborhood.
In 1957 Dorothy and Amos Peaslee donated .64 acre of land across from the Little
Red Schoolhouse to the Mickleton Friends Meeting
where they built tennis and basketball courts for use by the community. He died
in 1969, with interment at Mickleton Meeting Graveyard. Children were Dorothy
Waddington Peaslee (who married Alexander Xydis); Amos Jenkins Jr.; Lucy
Ann Raynes (who married William Stewart Dougall), and Richard Cutts.
AMOS JENKINS -10 PEASLEE JR., (aka "Buzz") son of Amos J &
Dorothy (Quimby) Peaslee, was born 10 Sep 1923 and died 29 Sep 1989; he married
Barbara Alden Shedden. He graduated from Yale University, Class of 1948 and the
University of Michigan Law School in 1951. He was a World War II veteran, serving
with the US
Army 10th Mountain Division in Italy. He was an attorney in New York State
until 1969 when he moved back to his family farm in East Greenwich and continued
to practice law in Woodbury, NJ.
His involvement
in the East Greenwich NJ community (and surrounding area) included: Mayor,
East Greenwich Township, 1975 & 1988-1989 Member, East Greenwich Township
Committee 1975 - 1989 Member, East Greenwich Planning Board Co-founder,
East Greenwich Recreation Committee Charter Member, East Greenwich Ambulance
Association President, East Greenwich Lions Club President, Kiwanis Club
of Woodbury Member of Board of Directors, SODAT of Woodbury
the Amos J. Peaslee Municipal Building dedication
brochure: "Some of you may remember him for his work or his hobbies. He loved
swimming and sailing in the ocean and, he was an avid (and very vocal) tennis
player. He loved his home, his farm, and all of the animals. He was an accomplished
gardener, often greeting friends in the Summer by offering Zucchini in record
breaking size and weight. Amos loved music and sometimes entertained those close
to him by playing his harmonica or singing a favorite tune. He had a fine sense
of humor and enjoyed laughing with people. He was also a humble man. During the
annual Strawberry Festival, he was found in the back washing dishes with the other
volunteers and telling jokes. Whether you knew him as Mr. Peaslee, Amos, or "Buzz",
you couldn't miss his kindness, his fine sense of humor, or his extreme generosity.
To say he was considerate is an understatement. He was selfless." From
1969 until his death he resided in the Nicholas Justice
house on King's Highway--the same house that was restored by his father Amos,
where his grandfather Gideon Peaslee lived from 1867-1889, where his great-grand
parents lived from 1851-1876, where Dr. Bodo Otto possibly resided for a short
time around 1781, which Thomas Clark, brother to Jeffrey of Mickleton, owned from
1777-1809, and originally was built as a log and weatherboard house about 1747
for Nicholas Justice/Justison. Children
of Amos Jenkins & Barbara (Shedden) Peaslee include Amos Jenkins III, Sharon
Dickinson; Roxane Quimby (who married Jay Francis Gardner); Katherine Alden; and
Daphne Love (who married Keith Hollingshead). Many
of the descendants and relatives of Amos Jenkins-6 Peaslee still reside in East
Greenwich Township and surrounding area, and maintain ties with the Mickleton
Friends Meeting and the Little Red Schoolhouse. |