E N I O R B R E A K F A S T S - 2004 |
13, 2004 | October 14, 2004
May 13, 2004 The Commission on Aging sponsored a free breakfast for
township seniors on May 13 at 9 AM at the Zion United Methodist
Church in Clarksboro. Attendance broke all previous records. MANY kudo's
to George Popp, Committeeman of East Greenwich and Chairman of the
East Greenwich Commission on Aging who helped to arrange this event, and acted
as master of ceremonies. The guest speaker was Dr. Howard L. Friedberg,
a board-certified ophthamologist practicing in Woodbury, who offered a fascinating
presentation on the anatomy of the eye, a plain language description of eye problems
common to seniors, and how those problems could be resolved. He also offered advice
on how to prevent eye problems and diseases. Mayor David Jenkins
spoke about new events in the township and held a question & answer session.
Pictures of the May 13th event are shown below.
Seniors wait for
the program to begin. George Popp, East Greenwich Township Committeeman,
and Chairman of the Commission on Aging greets an attendee.
Attendance at the Seniors Breakfast
was the greatest yet. |

Rev. Richard L. Workman,
Pastor of the Zion Methodist Church offered the prayer before breakfast
George Popp was the
master of ceremonies |

Guest Speaker,
Dr. Howard L. Friedberg |

Seniors enjoying breakfast
Dr. Howard L. Friedberg and Mayor
David Jenkins |

George Popp thanks all of those
who helped to make the breakfast possible, and all those who attended.
A wonderful morning was enjoyed
by all |
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