St. Paul's United Methodist Church of Paulsboro
Broad & Delaware Street, Paulsboro NJ
history of Paulsboro stated, "The Methodist Church was incorporated
in 1827 with twelve members. The first church was built of stone in
1838, Samuel Paul, for whom the town was named, gave the land adjoining
the church for a burial ground. He was the first to be buried in the
new cemetery." I have not yet been able to determine if this is
the same building, but the church is within one block of "The Paul
House," so it is possible.
FIRST, I have moved out of the area so please do not write to me with
questions about this cemetery, I cannot go visit for you or take more
The earliest READABLE stone, according to the USGenWeb transcription,
is Mary M. Moore/Moose b. January 19, 17??, d. July 1720. More commonly
the burial appear to have begun about the 1760's and continued on into
the 1900's. There are other members of the PAUL family in this cemetery,
but I could find no inscription for Samuel Paul, nor is here listed
in the transcription list below. There were, however many stones where
the face was worn so that it was not readable.
This is not a collection of photographs of ALL of the stones in this
cemetery. You should probably view the TOMBSTONE
TRANSCRIPTION (USGenWeb) first, and then see if it matches up with
any of the photographs I've produced below. Many of these graphics are
high quality (large files) so you will see pretty much what I did when
I visited this web site in September of 2005.
If your ancestor/relative IS in the transcription but you don't see
their name below, it might be worth your while to look at the stones
that I could not figure out, and others here, as they may be shown next
to the primary stones that I photographed.